Can IoT technology help retail businesses tag and track inventory and supply chain efforts? A System of Operation (SoO) provides real-time visibility of inventory and assets.

IoT tracking technology in retail to pinpoint boxes even amongst several shelves

“How do I learn about an IoT tracking system for an expanding retail business? We have a few new locations selling our inventory and we need to keep current with our products out on the market!”

The good news is that many businesses are operating shoulder to shoulder, in similar situations, across the retail segment. A large group of industry leaders struggle with predictably similar pain points. The retail segment has many opportunities to reduce, if not alleviate, blind operational variabilities. Supply chain issues, inventory irregularities, product shortages, and product expiration are all problematic due to a general lack of location data, visibility, and meaningful metric analysis.

“How would an IoT system like this help our business function?

IoT devices and software afford better business efficiencies by providing a more targeted and automated approach to data-supported, operational streamlining. Apptricity’s RTLS (Real-Time Location Services) provide a refined process for retail supply-chain and inventory tracking. In other words, a simple application provides a real-time view into asset and inventory data for retail businesses.

Apptricity is a recognized leader in solving retail inventory and supply chain related issues and inefficiencies. Get started with an informative demo here.

“I’m a small company. Can I afford this? We only have a few locations.”

Yes. Apptricity solutions usually take less than a month to deploy. The software delivers confidence via real-time asset and inventory transparency. The application grows appropriately as the client does, and pricing is financially positioned as such. 

“We’re a massive company, it must be too hard to implement?”

No, Apptricity provides solutions protecting the assets and inventory of institutions such as the US Army, US Air Force Special Forces, US Department of Defense, and Verizon. The Apptricity application serves to be their partner’s boots on the ground and feet on the street. They have large-scale capabilities.

Need to understand the outcomes of quality retail tagging? An Apptricity tagging solution provides identification, location, inventory tracking, visibility, accuracy, and documentation.

Imagine this concept. Every asset and inventory in your business is now tagged and trackable. A network of readers provide real-time scans of tagged items. What and where can things be tagged and read? Perishables, building materials, telecommunication items, high-end consumer merchandise, mobile inventory, electronics, vehicles, capital equipment, supply chain items, inventory, distribution centers, and warehouse packages are very typical assets tagged.

Apptricity’s application provides full inventory visibility allowing users to manage SKUs and track products. Deeper views can pinpoint by location, store, distribution center, or warehouse.

Clients and partners have the real-time capability to view inventory stock metrics at any level. Additionally, the application provides a total SoO to process and track shelf-life, expiration, inventory count, and historical movement. Apptricity’s RTLS platform, brings transparency to your inventory whether in transit, by air, sea, ground, or railway.

In addition, market forecasts identify rapid growth in the scope of IoT sensors. Consider a 27.4% CAGR forecast in the global sensor market between 2021 and 2026. The growth of the sensor market from 10.9B USD to 36.6B USD tells the story. An almost triple CAGR percentage is indicative of growth.

What new sensors are being built to “sense”? There are infinite answers. The function of sensors for temperature, motion, wind speed, and light are now being overshadowed by newer, advanced capabilities. Embedded sensors are found in vehicles, aircraft, ships, and construction equipment. Sensors are being used to detect errors, pressure, flow rates, force, impact, and altitude just to name a few.

Contact us to see how Apptricity can help. Check-in for our next  blog where we will explore how IoT is the best prescription for healthcare assets.

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