Asset Tracking for Municipal Governments
The most recent census completed cites there are over 89,000 local government units across the United States, of which 19,522 are classified as municipal governments. These municipalities are responsible for many services from law enforcement and first responders to emergency medical services, and more. These organizations are responsible for tracking and maintenance of high-value assets, owned by the city yet, managed by individual organizations. Inefficient management of these assets leads to overspending and failed audits. Cities are increasingly looking at automated software solutions to help mitigate the risk of missing assets.
Apptricity Asset Management solves these problems through a combination of powerful automation, leveraging of the latest IoT technologies, and a cloud-based system that can be accessed on both web and mobile platforms. This all-in-one solution can be deployed to manage asset tracking for any municipal government, giving you the asset visibility necessary for a well-run government entity.
Asset Tracking for First Responders

Apptricity’s I-Connect Controller is smart tracking technology that can be installed in fleet vehicles to give visibility into the location of the vehicle and the assets inside. The I-Connect Controller has ports for attachable antennas, allowing you to scan any sensor tagged items inside. With WiFi and LTE connectivity, these items can always be connected to the internet, allowing them to report whenever, wherever it is necessary.
Tracking your City-Owned Assets

Apptricity’s Asset Management solution brings visibility into the location of every city-owned asset. Assets can be assigned to multiple departments or divisions and can retain location and ownership history as the assets move around. Our geofencing solution allows you to place a radius around a location or asset, informing you when an item is spotted outside the fence. Purchase and warranty information can be attached to each asset, informing of upcoming warranty expiration and end-of-life expectancy. When it’s time to count your inventory, Apptricity Asset Management users report up to 40% decreases in cycle count time, saving both time and money.

Ambulances carry high-value narcotics and drugs that are extremely sensitive to temperature. Attaching a Bluetooth tag with temperature sensors onto these drugs, Apptricity’s system alerts drivers when temperature is approaching high or low thresholds, allowing them to correct the temperature and ensure the drugs are effective. Other items such as stretchers and gurneys can be assigned to a vehicle, ensuring that they return to the ambulance they belong to.
Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers carry plenty of high-value equipment in their squad cars and even more at the station houses. In addition to vehicle connectivity, the I-Connect Controller can also be utilized in a static environment creating a checkpoint for scanning items entering and leaving a location. Apptricity’s Zonal Tracking solution allows uploads of floorplan images, defining rooms on that image, and the ability to assign assets directly to a location on that map. This gives you granularity needed to improve asset visibility and reduce audit time. Equipment can be checked out to officers through a mobile application to seamlessly check out/in equipment to personnel through barcode or RFID scans. Each change of ownership is tracked in the custodian details for each asset.